Your Business Card,
Learn More
With our simplified activation process, you will be using your card in seconds.
Create Profile
Craft a sophisticated profile, with numerous customizable options at your fingertips.
NFC and QR Smart Business Card
Rs 599
One card lasts a lifetime as you can easily keep your info up to date. Say goodbye to stacks of paper business cards.
Digital Business
Connects with your .
Fully Customizable.
Elegant Design.
One Click Contact Download.
No App or Subscription required.
Instant Contact
Your clients and connections can seamlessly save your contact details to their phone, right from your digital profle.
Cross Platform
Compatible with Android and iOS devices, ensuring that your card can be used by a wide range of recipients.
Tons of others love
networking with
NFC and QR Smart Business Card
Rs 599
How it works
With our simplified activation process, you will be using your card in seconds.
Create Profile
Craft a sophisticated profile, with numerous customizable options at your fingertips.
Your Business Card,
One card lasts a lifetime as you can easily keep your info up to date. Say goodbye to stacks of paper business cards.
Digital Business
Connects with your .
Fully Customizable.
Elegant Design.
No App or Subscription required.
Your clients and connections can seamlessly save your contact details to their phone, right from your digital profle.
Instant Contact
Compatible with Android and iOS devices, ensuring that your card can be used by a wide range of recipients.
Tons of others love
networking with

Smart Business Cards, for Smart People.

How it all works

Taking advantage of the Near Field Sensors in most modern phones, our state of the art technology seamlessly opens your digital profile on someone else's phone with a simple tap of the card.

Your digital profile is fully customizable and you can update your information on the fly, so that you are always sharing the latest details.

Activate, Create, Share - It's that simple

Our simple activation process is designed so that you can start using your card within minutes!

1. Activate with a Tap
To activate your card, all you need to do is tap it on the back of your phone. This initiates the activation process and brings your digital card to life.

2. Create Your Profile
Once activated, you'll be prompted to create your personalized profile. Simply enter your contact details, website, social profiles, and any other relevant information. It's a quick and intuitive process, designed to save you time and effort.

3. You're Ready to Share
That's it! With your profile created, you're now fully equipped to start sharing your information with a tap. Whether you're connecting with a colleague, client, or new contact, the process is seamless and instantaneous.

No App or Subscription required

Experience the freedom of hassle-free networking with our smart business cards.

No Apps Required: Create and share your professional profile directly in your mobile browser, without the hassle of downloading additional apps.

No Subscriptions: Our smart business cards are designed for accessibility. You won't need to commit to any subscriptions or ongoing fees to use them. We believe that networking should be straightforward and cost-effective, and that's precisely what we offer.


Say goodbye to paper waste and embrace a more sustainable networking solution.